by Hardik Mehta

Friends, in the previous blog we learnt about the Muladhara or the root chakra. Now, we are going to take a look at the Svadhisthana chakra or the sacral chakra, the second centre of energy in our astral body.
What does Svadhisthana mean and where is it located?
The word Svadhisthana means ‘abode or dwelling place of the Self.’ It is called so because it expresses one’s personal creativity, sexuality and desires, and is inherently connected to one’s mind and thoughts. This chakra is located in the lower abdomen, approximately four fingers below the navel.
What is its element?
This chakra is linked to the water element in the body. The Vyana energy distributed by the sacral chakra helps in regulating the water element in the body, and in the internal circulation of water, food and energy. Hence, it influences the function of the kidneys, bladder and the reproductive organs. An excess of Vyana makes us hyperactive and leads to loss of focus, while too little Vyana makes us sluggish and non-productive.
Proper regulation of the water element is important to keep us feeling refreshed and energetic. Our sense of pleasure and joy is overseen by the water element. Hence, a good balance of this element keeps our desires and emotions in check, while an imbalance of the same leads to overindulging in sensory pleasures and unregulated emotional upheavals.
What is its colour?
The sacral chakra is represented by the orange colour. The representative element of this chakra, which is water, has no colour of its own. However, it reflects the red colour of the Muladhara chakra which lies below it, and the yellow colour of the Manipura Chakra which lies above it. The amalgamation of red and yellow creates the orange, which signifies ‘awakening’ of the consciousness.
What is its symbol?
The Svadhisthana chakra is symbolized by a lotus flower with six petals. These petals signify the six negative qualities we may possess: anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, desire and pride. There are two concentric circles within the flower, forming a crescent moon. This represents the cycle of life, death and rebirth. The circles can also mean to represent the natural flow of life and flowing with the changes we experience throughout our lifetimes. The seed mantra of this element, VAM, is in the centre of the circle.
What is its seed mantra?
The seed mantra for Svadhisthana chakra is ‘VAM.’ Meditating on this sound awakens this chakra by activating the water element.
What is its significance?
As mentioned above, the sacral chakra is responsible for regulating the water element in the body. When in balance, it directs a good flow of energy towards the urinary, reproductive and sexual organs. Much like regular hydration keeps us feeling fresh, proper hydration of these organs help in their optimal functioning.
Also, our desires are deeply affected by the Svadhisthana chakra. It acts as a centre of passion and stimulates our creative energy. It affects our emotional well-being as it actively regulates our emotional and physical needs and wants.
Blocked Svadhisthana chakra
Since the sacral chakra plays a significant role in regulating our physical and emotional intimacy with others, a blocked or underactive chakra can lead to instability in personal affairs as well as physical and emotional instability. It makes us feel as if we are no more in control of interpersonal relationships. It may also cause lack of desire and low libido, unusual fatigue and lack of creativity.
On the other hand, an overactive sacral chakra may lead to uncontrolled sexual urges and displays of affection, extreme mood swings and in some cases addictions to sensory pleasures. The joy lies in being able to enjoy pleasures with discipline; a blocked Svadhisthana chakra robs us of this happiness.
Some physical manifestations of a blocked sacral chakra are urinary problems, problems with the kidneys and spleen, sexual issues, menstrual issues, lower back and pelvic pain.
Healing a blocked Svadhisthana chakra
Sacral chakra meditations coupled with positive affirmations are helpful in unblocking the chakra. Practising certain asanas and mudras also heal this chakra and bring about a harmonious balance.
Some asanas that are beneficial in balancing the Svadhisthana chakra are Uttanasana (standing forward bend), Trikonasana (triangle pose), Vashishthasana (side plank pose), Kakasana (crow pose) and Adho Mukha Vrikshasana (handstand).
A flowing body of water always remains fresh, while a stagnant body of water invariably gives rise to unwanted elements and diseases. It’s a similar case with our bodies. The water element needs to be active so that we can maintain our creativity and balance our sexual energy. This will lead to fulfilling relationships with ourselves and with others, and an overall sense of joyful contentment.
About the Author

Hardik Mehta
Hardik is an E-RYT 500 & YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider), Yoga Alliance, USA. He has been practicing yoga for the last 9 years. Prior to finding his true calling in Yoga, he was working with various corporates for 12 years in the Retail and eCommerce sector.