AJNA CHAKRA: The Seat of Wisdom and Intuition
by Soha Akbar

Of the seven primary chakras in the human body, the sixth is the Ajna Chakra, known as the ‘third-eye chakra’ in English. The overarching sense of purpose, intuition and direction in our lives is governed by this chakra. It also affects our wisdom and spiritual insight, acting as an entryway to higher consciousness.
What does Ajna mean and where is it located?
‘Ajna’ is a Sanskrit term pronounced as ‘agya’ which means ‘foremost’ or ‘command.’ It acts as a centre of command for our consciousness, intuition and perceptive abilities.
It is located in the astral body, four inches behind the physical eyebrow centre.
What is its element?
The element of the third-eye chakra is light or ‘tejas,’ which represents clarity of thought and spiritual insight. This light metaphorically brightens our spiritual path.
What is its colour?
Indigo, a colour associated with intuition, wisdom and inner knowledge, is associated with this chakra.
What is its symbol?
Ajna chakra is symbolized as a lotus with two petals that stand for the dualities of human ego. The lotus itself symbolizes our inner consciousness and our ability to move ahead of the dualities.
What is its seed mantra?
The seed mantra that activates and balances the third-eye chakra is OM.
What is its significance?
This chakra is believed to be the seat of higher consciousness and deeper spiritual insight. Mythologically too, the third-eye has been reputed to provide perception beyond the ordinary human sight. Being associated with the element of light, representing clarity, the Ajna chakra acts as a ladder towards higher meditative practices. Even in day-to-day life, a well-balanced Ajna chakra keeps one in contact with their intuition, a state commonly known as sixth sense.
Physically, this chakra is associated with the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the eyes, the ears and the nose. We know that the pituitary gland is called the master gland of the human body is involved with releasing hormones for the regulation of various physiological and physical functions. A well-balanced Ajna chakra can keep these glands in the optimum condition.
Just as our two eyes physically see the present and have seen the past, the third-eye figuratively sees the future by gaining spiritual insights.
Blocked Ajna chakra
A blocked Ajna chakra can give rise to various physical, mental and emotional concerns.
Physically, this chakra, being associated with glands present in the brain, regulates hormones in the body. A blocked chakra can lead to hormonal imbalances, and this in itself acts as a Pandora’s box since most physiological functions are dependent on hormones. Additionally, it can give rise to headaches, sinus problems, vision and ear related ailments and sleep issues.
Mental and emotional symptoms of a blocked Ajna chakra can be lack of creativity, stalled imagination, lack of clarity and shorter attention span, feeling disconnected from one’s intuition or gut feel, and a state of anxiety or depression.
Healing a blocked Ajna chakra
If we want to explore our spiritual potential and be in sync with our instincts and inner guidance mechanism, we have to keep the third-eye chakra functioning optimally.
As in the case of other chakras, meditating on the Ajna chakra while chanting the beej mantra helps activate it. Trataka is a superb technique for this. Repeating positive affirmations also help a lot. One can also practise the Hakini mudra while meditating to ensure good pranic flow in the chakra.
When it comes to Asana practice for balancing the Ajna chakra, we have to dive a bit deeper into the spiritual or meditative aspect of the physical practice. One of the best asanas in this case is Shirsasana (headstand). It not only improves the functioning of the glands associated with the Ajna chakra, but is also a powerful inversion to stimulate the third-eye chakra. Any meditative posture like Sukhasana (easy pose), Vajrasana (thunderbolt or diamond pose), Ardha-padmasana (half lotus pose) and Padmasana (lotus pose) can be assumed while meditating on the Ajna chakra. The intent here is to connect to our inner intelligence.
Intuition is a powerful tool to help us navigate through the ups and downs of life. The chaotic lives that most of us lead today require a well-functioning Ajna chakra in each of us. Having the ability to trust our inner wisdom and steer our lives towards progress can make our individual as well as collective life journeys extremely fulfilling.
About the Author

Sohaila Akbar
Sohaila is a Yoga teacher, keen on bringing about positive changes in the lives of others through the knowledge that she has received from her teachers. Prior to this she was a school teacher working towards imparting academic, social and ecological knowledge to young learners. Sohaila is an avid reader of books and have an undying love for fiction. She prefers paperbacks and hardcovers over e-books anyday. She loves travelling, and a good cup of coffee is always welcome!